Ceramic Restorations
at Brokos Clinic

Did you know that many of the celebrities that you watch on Holywood with beautiful smiles have veneers? Indeed, veneers can completely transform your smile!

Veneers improve the look of chipped, worn, irregularly shaped or even heavily filled teeth. Veneers are thin ceramic shells custom made for your needs and denture, bonded to the front of your teeth. Usually we prepare the teeth to be adjusted by reducing / modifying its size. Veneers is an incredibly strong and durable aesthetic solution.

Their colour is matched to the adjoining teeth and offer you a natural look.

We usually use veneers as part of smile makeover and other treatments, in order to complete your perfect smile.


The patients’ desire for an aesthetic treatment of anterior and posterior teeth is steadily growing. Accordingly, several treatment options have been proposed to restore the aesthetic appearance of the dentition. Some of the most predictable and durable aesthetic restorations, whenever indicated, are ceramic veneers. In our clinical case the initial position and shape of the 6 anterior teeth have been maintained.

Multiple tooth fractures on anterior upper and lower teeth, after a car accident. Ceramic veneers provide aesthetic and functional rehabilitation in a region with special Occlusal interest.


Gastric liquids when very often in contact, damage the enamel of teeth(vomit). Porcelain is the only dental material showing the best performance in such cases. That was themain reason of choosing all ceramic crowns in our clinical case.

Full coverage crowns protect teeth during mastication process. Especially in the case of endodontically treated teeth they are the treatment of choice. In our clinical case, a combination of treatment was performed, such as internal bleaching on tooth 11, night guard bleaching in both arches and all ceramic crowns on 4 upper anterior teeth.

Ceramic Veneer
and Crown

Old metal-ceramic crown to be replaced. After retreating the root canal therapy and replacing previous post with fiber post, a ceramic veneer and a crown were placed on the two upper central incisors.

Discover The Treatments

The latter advances in cosmetic dentistry make beautiful smiles now more accessible and more affordable. Your options are endless ñ what is important is that we find out from you, what you want – it is your smile.

Come along and talk to us about your smile aspirations!